The Rebel Alliance. We improve together! In this community, you will find very interesting chess articles with my best tips to improve chess properly and how to get the correct methodology.

And the best of this, it’s free! If you want to improve your chess seriously, you have reached the best site. I will do my best to help you to improve.

This category (The Rebel Alliance) is a VIP selection of the best chess articles written in this blog. If you like the content you can share it also! :)
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You will discover the last novelties in openings, the explanation of concepts, curiosities about chess, puzzles, strategy, endgames, the benefits of chess and much more!

I will inform you also about the activities that we do in the community and the results of my students.

The Rebel Alliance was created thinking in helping chess players to be updated, informed sharing a bit of the knowledge I have acquired during these years.

I hope you enjoy and became a chess rebel soon! :)

the london system
01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess Openings: The London System – IM Alberto Chueca

The London System

When we learn to play chess, our teachers teach us the opening and its basic principles. Simple things like control the center, develop your pieces, castle, etc. The uphill battle from here is which opening to choose from. There are so many choices! In this article, I want to recommend you the London System.

Many players chose prestigious opening lines like the Najdorf Sicilian, Italian Game, maybe even King’s Gambit, and spend hours of our lives memorizing theory and learning every trap in the book.

Although, what if I told you that there is Read more

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chess tournaments app
01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess Tournaments APP: Find all the tournaments around the world automatically!

Chess Tournaments app

Pieces sounding as they move, the atmosphere tense and silent, some cries of victory!, sometimes heat, sometimes a cold sweat that runs down the cheeks of people who are focused on just one thing: WIN the chess game.

This is what a chess tournament reflects. The passion that unites a certain group of people where they demonstrate their skills on the board.

Many with enough level to reach the final, others experiencing their first time, but everyone needs to know where could we find the tournaments.

Then, the “Chess Tournaments” app appears to Read more

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train chess
05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

How to train chess? Discover the all the secrets and the best methodology!

Do you want to know how to train chess properly?

If you are a chess player and want to know how to train in chess, this is your article.

Whether you're a person who sees chess as a means of entertainment or someone who wants to improve properly and understand all the concepts of chess, here I will tell you numerous tips and recommendations so that you can train chess and achieve what you set out to do.

Many chess players ask themselves every day what you have to do to be able to play good games, have remarkable results … Read more

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24 pgn chess
01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Proven: What is a chess PGN? Discover all about it!

Chess PGN

A Chess “PGN” stands for Portable Game Notation, people use this format on the computer to save (as its name implies) chess games. This small format helps chess players to record their games online, against computers or other players to use as a basis for their analysis and personal progress. Excellent, isn't it?

Imagine, you stand in front of your PC and start playing a game online against a certain person, it turns out that your mind is active and ready for the game. So you start using a tactic you read recently or the strategy … Read more

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download a chess pdf capable of revolutionize your game
05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Get my FREE chess PDF, my guide, and improve your level.

Get my free chess pdf

Digital documents are dominating the world and of course, the world of chess doesn't escape this trend (chess pdf). You can open these types of formats from your mobile, laptop and other devices wherever you are. This type of format is very useful.

If you want to get a PDF guide that allows you to improve in chess and develop a good game, this article is for you. The guide “The secrets to progress in chess” is available for free for you to advance in the game of chess. Learning new techniques and Read more

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chess engines
01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Proven: What are the chess engines and how to use them?

The chess engines are autonomous programs that complement the study; practice and training of chess. These engines use communication languages that allow you to interconnect with other programs. I can quote an example: Chessbase (Chess program) with Fritz (Chess engine); those programs interact and can be used to complement each other.

There are different Chess engines on the market that help to study complex positions in a deeper way and they give valuations regarding the positions of the algorithms used for each one of the programmers; some of them give priority to the information.

How to use a chess engine

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wesley so
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Antonio Gude

Wesley So: 1.000.000$ boy. Discover the story of this talent!

Wesley So: a chess prodigy!

A chess prodigy child, Wesley So in 2008 became the youngest player to cross the threshold of Elo 2600. He broke the record established by none other than Magnus Carlsen. Four years later he would do the same with the bar of 2700. And by February of that year, he was among the top ten worldwide.

His debut in international chess happened during Summer Olympics at Turin (2006) when he was 13 years old. And in 2007 he gained the Grandmaster’s title.

But this new GM from the Philippines reached some impressive results even before … Read more

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