04 Chess endgames ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The 100 endgames you need to know by Jesús de la Villa

When we talk about endgames everyone can remember a former world champion who based his whole game on this phase of the game, however, for mortals, learning endgames involves learning from many games, but there is always a book to save our lives, this is The 100 endgames you need to know by Jesus de la Villa.

This is a really good book for anyone who wants to improve in this aspect of the game, it is designed for all levels and it is really necessary to reach a good level, that is why this review will Read more

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positional chess pawn
The Technique
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Positional Play

7 Imperative positional chess concepts

The positional chess concepts are something that we can’t stop studying in chess. These are the key ideas that make the process of thinking a lot easier in chess.

They give us simple tricks and pre-determined plans to follow in certain positions. They were created by the masters that have learned from their previous experience of the game.

They have left this knowledge for us, the new generation of chess players, to study them and improve them. This is how chess has evolved a lot over the years, and the reason the game is what … Read more

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chess endgame preparation queen
04 Chess endgames ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Endgame Preparation

What is endgame Preparation in chess?

The endgame preparation in chess is almost as important as the opening preparation for a chess tournament. This is a normal practice for the amateurs that are going into a tournament or even professionals.

You have to know how to correctly prepare your endgames, and this is work that goes along with the opening stage.

Endgames are usually lost for not knowing the general rules, or knowing a practical idea about them. Even the strongest players usually fall for traps or even overlook simple variations to win endgames. Variations they would not overlook if … Read more

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chess open files pieces
03 Chess middlegame ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Chess: Open Files

What is an open file?

An open file in chess is a file in which there aren’t any pawns or pieces blocking the way. So the major pieces, especially rooks and queens, can get activity through these files.

Having an open file under your control can report a lot of benefits to you. So is like this, that the open file is one factor that can completely give you the game if you know how to exploit it.

Yet, there are two types of open files, offering different advantages, that you have to know how to seize:

The fully open Read more

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the opposition in chess king and pawn vs. king
04 Chess endgames ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Opposition In Chess – King and Pawn vs. King

The Opposition in Chess

Many chess games go down to that final moment. For example, you played a hard-fought game, with a theoretical opening stage, smart planning by both sides, and some tactical shots by both players. The game transitions into the endgame. The player with the most knowledge and willpower will come out on top. In fact, several games come down to only a single King each, with only one pawn remaining for one side. Whether you can promote the pawn to a Queen is the difference between a win and a draw. Therefore, it's vital to know these … Read more

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