The Rebel Alliance. We improve together! In this community, you will find very interesting chess articles with my best tips to improve chess properly and how to get the correct methodology.

And the best of this, it’s free! If you want to improve your chess seriously, you have reached the best site. I will do my best to help you to improve.

This category (The Rebel Alliance) is a VIP selection of the best chess articles written in this blog. If you like the content you can share it also! :)
Start reading the articles.

You will discover the last novelties in openings, the explanation of concepts, curiosities about chess, puzzles, strategy, endgames, the benefits of chess and much more!

I will inform you also about the activities that we do in the community and the results of my students.

The Rebel Alliance was created thinking in helping chess players to be updated, informed sharing a bit of the knowledge I have acquired during these years.

I hope you enjoy and became a chess rebel soon! :)

01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Top Chess Players In The World – The Best 100

Top Chess Players In The World – The Best 100

Chess is by far the top intellectual game in the world. People who don't play chess perceive chess players as “smart people”. And there is no doubt truth to that, chess requires critical thinking, decision making, memorization, etc. Therefore, we must salute and recognize the best chess players in the world. There are estimates that 600 million people worldwide play chess.

The top 100 chess players account for such a tiny percentage of players almost unfathomable. So let's give these heroes their due, and count down the top … Read more

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Queen's Gambit in chess
02 Chess openings ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Queen’s Gambit in Chess – What You Need to Know

The Queen's Gambit in Chess

Most beginners are taught to play 1. e4 as White, as it controls the center and paves way for pieces to come out immediately. However, there are people who are starting to pick up 1. d4 as a strong alternative. The only downside to d4 is that it will delay castling by a few moves. However, players appear to be finding that d4 might be more solid, lead to interesting positions, and quite simply, might be better for their styles. The first 1. d4 opening we should learn is after Black mimics White's movement with … Read more

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01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Chess Set to revolutionize the game – Square Off

Virtual Chess Set

Maybe you play games on the internet, most chess players play thousands of blitz games solely on the internet. Have you ever longed for that experience to play a real person across from you on the chessboard? With the Square Off chess set is possible!

Chess clubs and tournaments exist for that very reason, however, maybe you don't have the means or resources to go out and play competitively. But you are sick of staring at a computer or iPhone screen with dimensional pieces.

Why not combine the two experiences? You can play real-life games over … Read more

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10 reasons to play chess
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Alberto Chueca

10 reasons to play chess. The big benefits of chess!

Benefits of chess. Play chess is one of the best activities you can practice

Chess is a sport that helps you develop your concentration and improves your level of thinking. Because it doesn’t depend on age nor does it require retirement, this sport is played by people of all ages during the whole year.

Here I leave you a list of reasons to play chess and you will see why you should play chess:

10 reasons to play chess. IM Alberto Chueca – Chess coach

10. Socialize

This sport always requires that you play against another person. Playing with someone … Read more

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online chess
06 Online Chess, Databases and Software ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Best Online Chess websites: The top 10 according to Google.

Discover the best online chess platforms

Chess is a sport meant to be practiced by 2 players. It's one of the most popular sports in the world. The majority of people that play chess online do it to have fun.

Tournaments are played; money is made through them and is currently considered a very beneficial sport.

Do you need a chess coach?

These are the reasons why thousands of websites were created to play chess online. The main websites according to Google are:

Top 10 of the online chess websites

10- Chessbomb

Chessbomb is a famous website to see … Read more

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the best chess coaches in the world
05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The best chess coaches in the world

The best chess coaches in the world

There is a big difference between the best chess player in the world and the best chess coaches. The reason why this important difference is emphasized is that it is one thing to be skillful when playing several games and another is to impart your knowledge to others to learn these strategies.

In relation to the above, the title of the best chess player in the world is won by a 56 years-old Russian man named Garry Kasparov. He is decorated with the title of world champion from 1985 to 2000. At … Read more

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05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Chess Blunder – Why We Blunder And Fixing It

The Chess Blunder

Practicing tactics is a critical way to improve at chess, on top of studying chess books, finding the right coach, playing practice games, etc. However, it is important to realize that no chess player is perfect. We all have this disease holding us back from that rating goal we've been reaching for, or from beating your arch-nemesis once and for all. The curse that is eminent in all of our chess games at some point or another is the chess blunder.

Why Do We Blunder In Chess?

Blunders are 100% psychological. That is why computers play flawless … Read more

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01 VIP - The Rebel Alliance ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Tactic In Chess – Improve your chess level to win more games

The tactic in chess

The starting chess player learns chess in basic concepts. We must know the board, the light, and dark squares. Our focus shifts to the warriors of the chessboard. The tactic in chess is very important.

We learn how the Bishop moves this “diagonal” route, the Rook straight up and down, the Queen like a Rook and a Bishop, the Knights these cool though potentially awkward “L-shapes”, etc. What many beginners struggle with is “strategy”… how to formulate a plan and win the game.

For players rated above 1200 ELO, strategy correlates to positional chess. Speaking … Read more

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03 Chess middlegame ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Initiative In Chess – How To Use It Effectively

The Initiative in chess

The Initiative in chess sounds like one of those terms only Grandmasters use for commentary. Is this a concept that beginner and intermediate players can pick up as well? Absolutely!

What is this concept that many players struggle to understand? The initiative in chess is the act of creating consecutive threats at your opponent, forcing them to respond. The advantage of having the initiative in your chess games is that when your opponent reacts to your threats, he has no time to formulate a plan of his own, which can give you an overwhelming advantage.

Again, … Read more

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the opposition in chess king and pawn vs. king
04 Chess endgames ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Opposition In Chess – King and Pawn vs. King

The Opposition in Chess

Many chess games go down to that final moment. For example, you played a hard-fought game, with a theoretical opening stage, smart planning by both sides, and some tactical shots by both players. The game transitions into the endgame. The player with the most knowledge and willpower will come out on top. In fact, several games come down to only a single King each, with only one pawn remaining for one side. Whether you can promote the pawn to a Queen is the difference between a win and a draw. Therefore, it's vital to know these … Read more

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