The Queens Gambit
Alberto Chueca

The Queen’s Gambit Netflix: The best mini-series of chess.

One of the best original series that Netflix has in its catalog is queen’s gambit, the chess series that during the pandemic popularized the science game and even to this day, continues in the minds of all people.

So, today you will have a review with everything you need to know about this mini-series that tells the fictional story of Beth Harmon, a spectacular chess player.

Review Queen's Gambit

Elizabeth Harmon is a girl who is orphaned when her mother dies in a car accident, and is taken to an orphanage where the children are given tranquilizer pills so they … Read more

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chess anime
08 Chess anecdotes ♟️
Alberto Chueca

Have lots of Fun with a Great Anime about Chess!

Anime: One of the most popular entertainment resources

Many people would like to see a chess anime, and it is not to be surprised…

The anime industry is one of anime is one of the richest and big in the world these times. Since its beginnings in the 1900s anime kept its evolution until becoming a great entertainment product.

To the point that, nowadays, anime has provoked a cultural phenomenon in the entire world. Almost like a revolution, anime changed many peoples’ lives and it’s almost “international culture”.

Everyone has watched anime at least one time, and anybody remembers an … Read more

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