chess combinations
Our Beautiful Chess
Alberto Chueca

Tactical chess combinations in chess – 3 expert examples

Today we review some of the most impressive tactical chess combinations that you will ever see! Tactics in chess could be beautiful and artistic to see, something all chess players treasure so much.

The feeling of performing a combination, or even seeing someone else do it, is indescribable to those who don’t play chess. It’s an experience that we have all experienced over the board, in some cases even if you are the one who loses the game.

And of course, seeing some of these combinations will help you learn patterns and improve your chess. So let’s have fun … Read more

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05 The ways to improve in chess ♟️
Alberto Chueca

The Best Tactics Trainer of The Whole Internet On tactics

The tactics in chess are one of the most important factors of the game, also one of the funniest. The tactics trainer is the best, and with great renown on the internet.

Training tactics are very important, so it’s to expect that you want to choose the best option. Of course, I will always recommend books over a traditional tactical trainer on the internet.

But if you don’t like books it’s ok, you can use the internet to find what you need.

Some of these trainers have features and commodities that compete with each other to appeal … Read more

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Alberto Chueca

Improve Your Skills 100% With The Chess Puzzle Rush

What is the chess puzzle rush?

One thing that every chess player in the world love is the chess puzzle rush. One of the most interesting chess mini-games that exists is related to tactics.

You may be wondering: But, how is the chess puzzle rush played?

Its name explains itself, it’s a game in which you will be given several chess tactical puzzles one after another to solve in the least time possible. The more puzzles you can solve in a pre-determined time; the more points you will win.

You can play by yourself or with a friend or rival … Read more

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